Archive Page 4

Modeling/sculpting in production Workshop

I’ve been last weekend in a modeling/sculpting workshop with Alex Huguet (a.k.a metamesh) in PepeSchoolLand where he explained us how they work in the character modeling department of Ilion for the feature Planet 51 which is supposed to be released next year by june or so (or that’s what I understood) edit: the final date for the release is 2009’s thanks giving.

I have to say that I learnt a lot from Alex about how is working in a production environment and how is working as a high-class-freelance, as I didn’t worked on CG yet I didn’t knew some tricks and shortcuts that he teached all of us, I have to say that I also met there really great people and I would like to say thanks to Alex, for answering all my questions (and by saying all, I mean, A LOT).

so yup, it’s been a great weekend ^^

Online Sketchbook

About a month ago I started an online sketchbook where I upload all the stuff I draw, the best sketches from there will be uploaded here, to my sketches gallery (right now is hidden) I will try to upload new stuff every week if I have enough time… The sketchbook is located in my subdomain, I invite you to comment some sketches and tell me if you would like to see any sketch converted into a 3d mesh 😉

By the way right now I’m preparing to start my new 2008 reel and I say that I’m preparing because for this one I don’t want to search for a job whith a reel done in less than a couple months. The first one was done just for fun, this one is for getting hired (or at least trying it 😉 )

TOEIC results

About two weeks ago I took the TOEIC (test of english for international comunication) and today I’ve picked up the results, the score is 890 out of 990, well I think that it is a good score, but I know that I can improve it. Unfotunately the day I was taking my test I was pretty sick so I couldn’t concentrate whatsoever and I didn’t heard some things because I was sneezing (sounds funny, but if you’re takin a test and trying to listen something, its NOT!) and they just play once the recording :(… Anyways, I think that this one is a good score, taking into account that I didn’t prepared anything for taking that test, I didn’t studied anything, not even the day before taking the test, so it’s not a bad score.

So my overall score was 890 divided in:

-Listening: 455 (I could get 495 if I didn’t sneezed that much!)
-Reading: 435 (uhm… whatever… :P)

New Gallery System!

Since I wasn’t really happy with the DotClear gallery plugin, I’ve taken advantage of the holidays period to write my own gallery system and I’m pretty happy with the results, I still have to end up writing the RSS Feed, but the gallery is fully functional. Written in PHP + MySQL is quite simple, but it does its job. I’m planning to upload the sources here when I fix some backend stuff. If you are interested in the gallery sources just email me and I will send them to you… I’m just waiting for the first “stable” version to upload it here.

The gallery is located now in:

Huge update

These days I’m preparing a major update. I’m setting up some high resolution renders of characters I’ve made for the last two years in my spare time. As you will see despite renders are all new, copyright dates may vary (2005, 2006 and 2007) that’s because I am printing the date in which each character was modeled and rigged, not the actual render date. You will also notice that I’ve created another gallery called “characters”, there is where you will find those new renders.