During these days I have been helping out a friend with the recording of his new shortfilm (untitled) where I have been production assistant (kind of).
I absolutely loved the idea of being in the set during the recordings, there was a great team of people, more than 30 people (I think the final count was 37 or so), which I think that is a really large team when it comes to shortfilms (at least in Spain) unfortunately, (for me) there is not going to be any VFX stuff (there are some FX, but not VFX 🙁 ) so I couldn’t help him as much as I would liked, anyways this shortfilm is gonna rock! I hope I can help him out for his next shortfilm with some VFX stuff 🙂
I will update this entry as soon as this shortfilm has some Title or poster.
More info, images, photos and all kinds of stuff about this shortfilm can be found here.