Archive Page 3

New domain! (formerly

These days I’ve been moving the whole website here, my new domain (

The main reason why I chose to change my domain name after two years was that with this name I think that the domain feels way more personal and I just thought that this one could be the exact moment to change it so my whole “professional” carreer will be referred to one website instead of several…

That means that my first “serious” reel will be found here so for instance the only reference that companies will find to my website will be just this domain.

I’ve also changed the CMS from dotClear to WordPress and its theme which I think that feels way more elegant.

I’m still using my own gallery system and I found a way to make it work almost-seamlessly with wordpress, which is something that I didn’t had previously with dotClear… So I think that this change is definitively for good.

So come on! take a look at my website!

I hope you like it. 😉
Continue reading ‘New domain! (formerly’

Untitled Shortfilm

During these days I have been helping out a friend with the recording of his new shortfilm (untitled) where I have been production assistant (kind of).
I absolutely loved the idea of being in the set during the recordings, there was a great team of people, more than 30 people (I think the final count was 37 or so), which I think that is a really large team when it comes to shortfilms (at least in Spain) unfortunately, (for me) there is not going to be any VFX stuff (there are some FX, but not VFX 🙁 ) so I couldn’t help him as much as I would liked, anyways this shortfilm is gonna rock! I hope I can help him out for his next shortfilm with some VFX stuff 🙂

I will update this entry as soon as this shortfilm has some Title or poster.

More info, images, photos and all kinds of stuff about this shortfilm can be found here.

CG Gallery v0.04

Last two days I’ve been working on a small update for my own gallery system (CG Gallery). Unfortunately I don’t have much time to spend woking on it, taking into account that right now I’m studying stuff for college… So this small update was just to fix some bugs I’ve found since last version when working with users.

Btw I have to say that about a month ago I added to the CG Gallery some super-cool unobtrusive javascript I found on the net called Lightbox (v2) by Lokesh Dhakar which does some animation, preloading and fades black the back of the entire browser window when opening images, I’ve tested it and works fine so I thought, why not?

The script is distributed under the Creative Commons License and works like a charm so, GO GET IT NOW!

Compositing & Render Workshop

Last weekend I attended a vray & compositing workshop/seminar conducted by JJ Palomo (a.k.a 3DBlasphemy) in PepeSchoolLand.

I’ve learned that you don’t need to do any “super-cool” render to archieve highly realistic results, it’s everything in the compositing phase… 😉 just with a decent render you can make it rock after the compositing phase (so you can have quicker renders). I’ve also learned to know when to work more on details or just making it simpler if it is not going to be closer to the camera, this may sound stupid but it’s impressive how can some really simple almost-cubed-shaped models work when you’re not making closeups of them (and if those are moving and with some motion blur…even better! lol) and a lot of quick-tricks that he teached us for archieving stunning results faster…

He also teached us some things they have been working on since he founded his own VFX Studio, BLR – Big Lazy Robot.

Finally I’ve decided to work just on my modeling reel which is supposed to be available on late 2009.

Character Setup Workshop

Last weekend I’ve been in a character setup workshop conducted by the great Daniel M. Lara (a.k.a pepeland) in PepeSchoolLand.

He teached all of us a lot of improvements and tricks to make a rig as simple and efficient as it could be. Because lots of times we (rigger-wannabes) pretend to do rigs with as much automatisms as we can, and those rigs so overloaded affect directly to the viewport’s performance when animators are testing animations in viewport.

I also have to announce that my 2006 rigging reel is going to be offline as of today, because I am working right now on my 2008 reel (actually both of them), I hope it will be finished for late 2009.